Monday, September 11, 2017

Lambda Expression

With Parameters

A method is a named block of code

public void DoSomething(parameters)

Lambda expression = unnamed block of code

They are easy to identify because they have a => in the statement to identify the lambda expression.

(parameters) => 

No Parameters

A method with NO parameters would look like this

public void DoSomething()

The lambda expression would look like

() => 

Behind the scenes

Lambda express = custom class and delegate

The compiler will create a class with an arbitrary name and a method with an arbitrary name and implemented with the same signature as the lambda expression.


You can think of Actions as pointers to methods.
An Action is an instance of a delegate.
When you see a signature for a method that requires a parameter that is of type Action what it is asking for is a lambda expression.

NOTE: To create an Action you can also use a method as shown below.
Action action = new Action(DoSomething());


Content is based on Pluralsight video called Introduction to Async and Parallel Programming in .NET 4 by Dr. Joe Hummel. 

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