You can control, monitor, change, etc Windows Scheduled Tasks using schtasks from the command line. You can use it on your local machine or a remote machine such as a server.
In the examples below let’s assume that the Windows Scheduled Task you are interested in is called EventLogImport.
IMPORTANT: For any of the commands or examples below, you can add a /S and then the servername to execute the command against a remote machine running Windows.
Basic Info on local machine
schtasks /QUERY /TN EventLogImport
Basic Info for remote machine
schtasks /QUERY /S serverNameHere /TN EventLogImport
Verbose Info
schtasks /QUERY /V /TN EventLogImport
Verbose Info with CSV output to screen
schtasks /QUERY /FO CSV /V /TN EventLogImport
NOTE: Other options are TABLE and LIST. The /V is for Verbose.
To remove the header row you can use the MORE command to start reading at the second line
schtasks /QUERY /FO CSV /V /TN EventLogImport | more +1
Verbose Info with CSV output to file
This will clear the status.csv if it exists, else it will create a new file.
schtasks /QUERY /FO CSV /V /TN EventLogImport > c:\temp\status.csv
To append to the file if you call two or more of these in a row, use the >> instead of >.
schtasks /QUERY /FO CSV /V /TN EventLogImport >> c:\temp\status.csv
To remove the header row you can use the MORE command to start reading at the second line
schtasks /QUERY /FO CSV /V /TN EventLogImport | more +1 >> EventLogImportScheduledJobStatus.csv
Disable a Scheduled Task
schtasks /CHANGE /TN EventLogImport /DISABLE
Enable a Scheduled Task
schtasks /CHANGE /TN EventLogImport /ENABLE
Other Commands
You can also create, delete, run, or kill scheduled tasks as well. For information on how to do this, I recommend typing schtasks /? at any command prompt.
For help on a specific switch, try one of the following:
SCHTASKS /Create /?
SCHTASKS /Delete /?
SCHTASKS /Query /?
SCHTASKS /Change /?
SCHTASKS /ShowSid /?