Thursday, December 22, 2011

Converting CLng in MS Access SQL to T-SQL (SQL Server)

The problem I need to solve is how do I reproduce the exact functionality of the CLng (function built-in to MS Access SQL) in MS SQL Sever. The answer is not so difficult, but knowing what the question to ask was not so obvious.

After much frustration I finally realized that how CLng in MS Access SQL works is actually quite unintuitive. My situation can be explained quite simply. I have a query in MS Access that I need to convert to run completely on SQL Server. In parts of the MS Access queries the CLng function is used. CLng is similar to Round() in SQL Server, but is not the same particularly when it comes to values that end in .5. Initially I thought it would just truncate the decimals of a double. For example, I thought CLng(.5) should be 1, but MS Access says it is 0. Interestingly, CLng(3.5) is 4, not 3 and CLng(2.5) is 2, not 3. This behavior is very inconsistent to me, but I need to reproduce it on SQL Server using T-SQL so that I can compare the queries.

After some reading about issues related to rounding in general on Wikipedia I found out that there are many ways to round. After reading a technical article from Microsoft I found out that indeed VBA (and appears to be MS Access SQL) do not round the same as MS SQL Server. From this I learned the key to the solution; the CLng function in MS Access implements rounding using the Banker’s Rounding method described in both of the above sources. I did find an implementation of Banker’s Rounding once I knew what to search for. I found a good solution here. I have copy and pasted the solution below.

Here is that function you can execute on SQL Server that will do the same thing as Clng on MS Access SQL because it is an implementation of Banker’s Rounding.

create function MSAccessClng(@x as float)
returns int
Declare @DecimalPlaces as tinyint
Set @DecimalPlaces = 0

set @x = @x * power(10, @DecimalPlaces)

  case when @x = floor(@x) then @x
    case sign(ceiling(@x) - 2*@x + floor(@x))
    when 1 then floor(@x)
    when -1 then ceiling(@x)
    else 2*round(@x/2,0) end
  end / power(10, @DecimalPlaces)

Now you have a function you can use on SQL Server just like you have on MS Access. Keep in mind this is a Scalar-valued function and this means there is a performance penalty for using it, but if you need this functionality you need the functionality.

Below are different examples of what I used to test that the functionality is the same on MS Access and MS SQL Server (T-SQL). Notice, the ones that say SAME means that CLng() has the same functionality as cast(). The ones that say DIFFERENCE means that the special logic was needed to implement differences. You can also see the usage of the function.

select clng(-3.3) -- -3
select cast(-3.3 as int) -- -3
select Round(-3.3, 0) -- 3
select dbo.MSAccessClng(-3.3) -- -3

select clng(-0.3) -- 0
select cast(-0.3 as int) -- 0
select round(-.3,0) -- 0
select dbo.MSAccessClng(-0.3) -- 0

select clng(-3.5) -- -4
select cast(-3.5 as int) -- -3
select Round(-3.5,0) -- -4
select dbo.MSAccessClng(-3.5) -- -4

select clng(-0.5) -- 0
select cast(-0.5 as int) -- 0
select round(-0.5, 0) -- error
select dbo.MSAccessClng(-0.5) -- -0

select clng(-0.51) -- -1
select cast(-0.51 as int) -- 0
select round(-0.51, 0) -- error
select dbo.MSAccessClng(-0.51) -- -1

select clng(-0.8) -- -1
select cast(-0.8 as int) -- 0
select round(-0.8, 0) -- error
select dbo.MSAccessClng(-0.8) -- -1

select clng(-1) -- -1
select cast(-1 as int) -- -1
select round(-1, 0) -- -1
select dbo.MSAccessClng(-1) -- -1

select clng(-100000) -- -10000
select cast(-100000 as int) -- -10000
select round(-100000, 0) -- -10000
select dbo.MSAccessClng(-100000) -- -10000

select clng(3.3) -- 3
select cast(3.3 as int) -- 3
select Round(3.3, 0) -- 3
select dbo.MSAccessClng(3.3) -- 3

select clng(0.3) -- 0
select cast(0.3 as int) -- 0
select round(0.3,0) -- 0
select dbo.MSAccessClng(0.3) -- 0

select clng(3.5) -- 4
select cast(3.5 as int) -- 3
select Round(3.5,0) -- 4
select dbo.MSAccessClng(3.5) -- 4

select clng(0.5) -- 0
select cast(0.5 as int) -- 0
select round(0.5, 0) -- error
select dbo.MSAccessClng(0.5) -- 0

select clng(0.51) -- 1
select cast(0.51 as int) -- 0
select round(0.51, 0) -- error
select dbo.MSAccessClng(0.51) -- 1

select clng(0.8) -- 1
select cast(0.8 as int) -- 0
select round(0.8, 0) -- error
select dbo.MSAccessClng(0.8) -- 1

select clng(1) -- 1
select cast(1 as int) -- 1
select round(1, 0) -- 1
select dbo.MSAccessClng(1) – 1

select clng(34.5) -- 34
select cast(34.5 as int) -- 34
select Round(34.5,0) -- 35
select dbo.MSAccessClng(34.5) -- 4

select clng(0) -- 0
select cast(0 as int) -- 0
select round(0, 0) -- 0
select dbo.MSAccessClng(0) – 0

select clng(100000) -- 10000
select cast(100000 as int) -- 10000
select round(100000, 0) -- 10000
select dbo.MSAccessClng(100000) -- 10000

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Get First or Second Word using T-SQL

When working with SQL (T-SQL) I often need to work with words with-in a string (nvarchar or varchar). For instance I want to display only the first word (first name in this case) of a field (FullName in this case) or maybe the second word in other cases. Words are funny things, they can be separated by commas, spaces, hyphens, and other characters such as semi-colons, exclamation point, parenthesis, brackets perhaps.

Below is the code to create a Scalar-valued Functions in SQL Server (T-SQL) that get the first word or second word.


Get First Word

create function GetFirstWord(@Name as nvarchar(100))
returns nvarchar(100)

Declare @FirstWord as nvarchar(100)
Declare @SpaceIdx as int

-- convert word separators to space for simplicity
Set @Name = Replace(@Name, ',', ' ') -- comma to space
Set @Name = Replace(@Name, '.', ' ') -- period to space
Set @Name = Replace(@Name, '-', ' ') -- hyphen to space

Set @SpaceIdx = CHARINDEX(' ', @Name)

if (@SpaceIdx > 0)
    SET @FirstWord = SUBSTRING(@Name, 0, @SpaceIdx)
else -- all one word
    SET @FirstWord = @Name

return @FirstWord;


Get Second Word

create function GetSecondWord(@Name as nvarchar(100))
returns nvarchar(100)

Declare @SecondWord as nvarchar(100)
Declare @AfterWord1 as nvarchar(100)
Declare @SpaceIdx as int
Declare @Space2Idx as int

-- convert word separators to space for simplicity
Set @Name = Replace(@Name, ',', ' ') -- comma to space
Set @Name = Replace(@Name, '.', ' ') -- period to space
Set @Name = Replace(@Name, '-', ' ') -- hyphen to space

Set @SpaceIdx = CHARINDEX(' ', @Name)

if (@SpaceIdx = 0) return ''

Set @AfterWord1 = SUBSTRING(@Name, @SpaceIdx+1, len(@Name) - @SpaceIdx)

Set @Space2Idx = CHARINDEX(' ', @AfterWord1)

if (@Space2Idx > 0)
    SET @SecondWord = SUBSTRING(@AfterWord1, 0, @Space2Idx)
else -- remainder of word
    SET @SecondWord = @AfterWord1

-- if second word is the same as the original, then we only have one word
if @SecondWord = @Name return ''

return @SecondWord;


select GetFirstWord(‘Joe Smith’)

returns: Joe

select GetSecondWord(‘Joe Smith’)

returns: Smith


Extending the Code

In the example above was just concerned with with commas, spaces, and hyphens, but you can extend the code quite easily by adding additional replace statements.


Note on Performance

I have implemented these functions as Scalar-valued functions which are known to incur a noticeable performance hit when you use them in a select statement. 

Efficiently Counting Spaces using T-SQL

Let’s assume you have a table called Person and it has a column called FullName. As you might expect, the FullName is really just a concatenation of the persons first and last name separated by a space. If I want to get some stats on how many people have only one space (implying two words only) it is actually quite easy to figure this out. Consider the following SQL statement


select FullName from Person

Let pretend it returns something like

Ben Wheel
James Johnson Jr.
Jane Dela Cruz
Jeff Jones
Lance Strong

Exactly 1 Space

To get all rows that have exactly one space in them you could do the following

select FullName from Person
where len(FullName) - len(Replace(FullName, ' ', '')) =

Jeff Jones
Lance Strong
Ben Wheel

Exactly 2 Space

To get all rows that have exactly one space in them you could do the following

select FullName from Person
where len(FullName) - len(Replace(FullName, ' ', '')) =

James Johnson Jr.
Jane Dela Cruz

Less than or equal to 3 Space

To get all rows that have exactly one space in them you could do the following

select FullName from Person
where len(FullName) - len(Replace(FullName, ' ', '')) <=

Ben Wheel
James Johnson Jr.
Jane Dela Cruz
Jeff Jones
Lance Strong

As you can see it is relatively easy to count occurrences of a character using T-SQL. You can expand on these queries just by changing the stuff in red.