As a general rule, all hadoop filesystem commands start with hadoop fs.
Referencing HDFS Paths
When accessing the HDFS filesystem you need to use the hostname and port associated with the name node. In the examples below, the host is bivm and the name node is running on port 9000. You can also just make a relative reference by leaving off the hdfs://bivm:9000/
For example, to copy a file from the local file system to the HDFS file system we could specify the full path with:
hadoop fs -put file:///home/biadmin/test.txt hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test.txt
However, we can also do
hadoop fs -put file:///home/biadmin/test.txt test.txt
This convention applies to all hadoop fs commands.
help - To get help and see all the commands for hadoop fs
hadoop fs -help
help - Get help on a fs command
hadoop fs -help du
ls - Show the files in the current user's directory
hadoop fs -ls
hadoop fs -ls /user/biadmin(assuming the user name is biadmin)
ls - Show the files in the user directory
hadoop fs -ls /user
cp - Copy a file from local file system to HDFS
hadoop fs -cp file:///home/biadmin/test.txt hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test.txt
put or copyFromLocal - Copy files from the local filesystem (the opposite of copyToLocal)
hadoop fs -put file:///home/biadmin/test.txt hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test.txt
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal file:///home/biadmin/test.txt hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test.txt
get or copyToLocal or get - Copies files from HDFS to the local filesystem (the opposite of copyFromLocal)
hadoop fs -copyToLocal hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test.txt file:///home/biadmin/test.txt
hadoop fs -get hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test.txt file:///home/biadmin/test.txt
tail - View the last few line of a file
hadoop fs -tail hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test.txt
cat -View the entire contents of a file
hadoop fs -cat hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test.txt
rm - remove a file
hadoop fs -rm hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test.txt
du - find the size of a file
hadoop fs -du hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test.txt
du - get the size of all files in a directory
hadoop fs -du hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin
du - get the total size of all files in a directory
hadoop fs -du -s hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin
mkdir - make a new directory
hadoop fs -mkdir hdfs://bivm:9000/user/biadmin/test
Other Unix-like HDFS Commands
setRep - Sets the replication factor of a file or Sets the replication factor of a entire tree
getMerge - Gets all files in the directories that match the source pattern and also merges and sorts them into only one file on the local filesystem
You can pipe the results of these commands to unix commands. For example, we can grep the result of the ls command.
hadoop fs -ls | grep test
The result would be something like:
-rw-r--r-- 1 biadmin biadmin 5 2014-09-24 00:48 test.txt