- Go to the Tools Menu and choose the Options... menu item.
- In the Options window, expand the Projects and Solutions node.
- Click the General node (child of the Projects and Solutions node)
- Click the Always show solution checkbox.
- Click OK.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Why can't I see my Visual Studio 2008 Solution File in the Solution Explorer
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Excel spreadsheet is Read-Only after opening from SharePoint
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Which w3wp.exe is the one I want?
- User Name - If you change the App Pool Identity to something other than Network Service (like your personal user account... temporarily of course) you should be able to open Windows Task Manager and see name next to one of the w3wp.exe process. I highly recommend stopping and restarting the Application Pool (not just recycle it). The best part is you can also see the User Name in Visual Studio when are in the attach to process window and choosing the process.
- CPU Time - If you open Windows Task Manager, now recycle the App pool. The CPU Time should go to zero. When you hit a page on the site, it should show some small value greater than zero depending on how much cpu the page actually takes. This will allow you to get the PID (you may have to add the column to Windows Task Manager) which you can see when you are in Visual Studio and attaching to the process.
- You can also use Sysinternals (now Microsoft owns it so....) Process Explorer. Using this tool, you can right click on the w3wp.exe in its list of processes and look at the Command Line that was used to launch the process. The last parameter is the name of the App Pool. Assuming you are using different app pools for each web site, this will allow you to get the PID, and use that to attach to the process just like the other scenarios.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Can't access Account Settings in Outlook 2007
You need to set it to 0 to enable access, and 1 to block access.
If you want to be able to just double-click a file to make the change do the following.
- Open notepad
- Copy and paste the following into notepad Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Setup] "ModifyAccounts"=dword:00000000
- Save file with a .reg file extension. For example: unlockOutlook.reg
Monday, November 10, 2008
Release the memory after using a SPWeb object
It is important to clean up after you are done with a SPWeb. Below is a snippet of code that connects to the top level site of SharePoint and loops through all the webs (recursively). The important thing to note here is that after we do whatever we want to do with the web, we call the Dispose() method on the SPWeb. If you don't do this and your site if big, you will run out of memory. Since this code needs to run on your SharePoint server, it is definitely not a good thing to use up all your memory. :)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sharepointserver"))
SPWebCollection webs = site.AllWebs;
foreach (SPWeb web in webs)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
ERROR: Cannot resolve the collation conflict between SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS in the equal to operation
If you get the following SQL Server error message:
Msg 468, Level 16, State 9, Line 1
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS in the equal to operation.
It is because of Collation settings on two columns you are joining on (or maybe something similar. There are permanent fixes, but are not simple and mostly assume you can change table definitions, etc.
I prefer the simple fix.
The first step is to figure out what are two collations that are conflicting. Assuming that the collation has not been set at the column level and is instead at the database level, here s what you need to do.
Execute the following two statements (after you put your two database names in the statements).
select DATABASEPROPERTYEX ( 'DB1', N'Collation' )
select DATABASEPROPERTYEX ( 'DB2', N'Collation' )
If you are on SharePoint you will likely get Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS. If you are on most any other database and use the default settigs you may get: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
Now that you know what you are dealing with you just need to do something similar to a CAST, but for Collation. It is called Collate. Here is an example of a query that joins on two columns that have different collations.
select * from DB1.dbo.User u
join DB2.dbo.UserMap m
on (u.email = m.email COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS)
For your query you will should choose the Collation of one of the columns.
If you want to understand more about this, I suggest checking this link: http://sqlblogcasts.com/blogs/tonyrogerson/archive/2006/07/12/883.aspx
The database schema is too old to perform this operation in this SharePoint cluster.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Alternate syntax for order by in SQL Server
The order by clause is very flexible in SQL Server. You can pass it nearly anything and it will work.
In this section I show how to sort a results based on a runtime value. This works well for a stored procedure that is used for sorting and the user interface has the ability to sort by different columns. Instead of using Dynamic SQL, creating multiple stored procedures, or have a long list of if-else and then copy and pasting the same basic code (just changing the order by column), this solution is simple and easily maintainable.
Declare @Orderby as varchar(20)
Set @Orderby = 'CREATED DESC'
ORDER BY -- add columns to sort by here
You can refer to columns by number instead of column name. This can make columns that have complex subqueries easier to reference in the order by.
Instead of column name or column number, you can use the column alias
Here are some variations on the previous example
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Override any CSS style (even inline styles) no matter where it is defined
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are very nice for formatting HTML. In general, I think it is a very bad idea for an ASP.NET control to emit inline styles because it prevents the developer from overriding the formatting. This is of course unless there is a corresponding property or programmatic way provided of changing it.
The ASP.NET GridView is a great example of this. It emits the following inline style for the table tag it emits.
If I want to change that *they* provide no way to do so.
However, CSS does provide a way to that I recently found here http://home.tampabay.rr.com/bmerkey/cheatsheet.htm.
So, all I have to do is create a CSS class called something like GridViewStyle by including the following between the head tags on the .aspx page.
.GridViewStyle { border-collapse:separate ! important; }
This is the key to this entire solution. Notice the ! important; This means that border-collapse will be set to separate even if the inline style says differently. This is *very* powerful.
To apply this CSS class to the table tag that is emitted by the GridView all we have to do is set the CssClass property of the GridView to GridViewStyle.
Add TBody and THead to GridView
If you want to play nice with standard (for many reasons), you will notice that GridView does a fair job. However, it does not use tbody, thead, or tfoot tags for the table that is generated when rendered in the browser.
This technique for this entry was learned from this article. However, I found that it was really correct or functional in all cases. For example, if you click on a column i the GridView to sort or do anything else on the page to cause the GridView to do its databinding again the html is regenerated. Which means that after DataBind() is called (implicitly using ObjectDataSource or SqlDataSource) you need to make the changes again. You could technically do this in the PageLoad event, but you would also have to do it in the other places that cause the data binding to fire again. The easiest way I no to have the code in one place is to do it in the PreRender event of the GridView.
Luckily, there is a simple fix
protected void GridView1_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
// You only need the following 2 lines of code if you are not
// using an ObjectDataSource of SqlDataSource
GridView1.DataSource = Sample.GetData();
if (GridView1.Rows.Count > 0)
//This replaces <td> with <th> and adds the scope attribute
GridView1.UseAccessibleHeader = true;
//This will add the <thead> and <tbody> elements
GridView1.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader;
//This adds the <tfoot> element.
//Remove if you don't have a footer row
GridView1.FooterRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableFooter;
The easiest way to wire up this event is to in the Designer, get properites on the GridView, and then click the Events icon (lightning icon) to get the list of events. Now, double-click the PreRender space. This will create a method calle something like the one above. Copy the above code and you are ready to go.
If you prefer the no GUI way. Just add it to your GridView tag. That would look something like this:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hide the bookmarks menu in FireFox 2 and 3
There are many reasons you may want to hide the Bookmarks menu in Firefox. Usually because you have some add-ons that give you similar functionality that you want to use. What ever the reason here is how you hide it.
Open the file userChrome.css which is located at: C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<some code>.default\chrome\userChrome.css
In Firefox 2.x add the following to this file
#bookmarks-menu {
display: none;
In Firefox 3.x add the following to this file
#bookmarksMenu {
display: none;
A Mock Object (method) for sp_send_dbmail
It can be messy to test MS SQL Server 2005 Database Mail in your stored procedure because often you don't want to spam real people. So, often I found myself just putting some limited print statements and commenting in and out this code depending if I was testing.
I generally like adding if-else statements that key off of a test flag to permanently have the code available for testing. This helps when I sometimes need to make sure it is still working in production.
In eithe case, I still had a lot of duplicated code that I didn't like to look at and I was writing that debug code all the time.
My solution (adapted from unit testing principle that says we should use Mock Objects to simulate external systems when we do unit tests) is to create a method that takes the parameters that I typically use for sp_send_dbmail and does nothing more than print out their values. This allows me to use the exact same code when debugging as when I actually send the mail.
Here is my mock stored procedure:
create proc sp_send_dbmail_mock_object
@profile_name nvarchar(128),
@recipients varchar(MAX),
@blind_copy_recipients varchar(MAX) = null,
@subject nvarchar(255),
@body nvarchar(MAX),
@mailitem_id int = null output
print char(13) + char(10) + 'sp_send_dbmail_mock_object called: '
print 'Recipients: ' + ISNULL(@recipients, 'NULL')
print 'Blind Copy Recipients: ' + ISNULL(@blind_copy_recipients, 'NULL')
print 'Subject: ' + ISNULL(@subject, 'NULL')
print 'Body: ' + ISNULL(@body, 'NULL')
Set @mailitem_id = -1
I can now use it something like this
if @ActuallySendEmail = 1
-- Docs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190307.aspx
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = @Profile,
@recipients = @RowRecipients,
@blind_copy_recipients = @RowBlind_copy_recipients,
@subject = @TemplateSubject,
@body = @RowBody,
@mailitem_id = @RowMailItemID output
-- print debug info
EXEC sp_send_dbmail_mock_object
@profile_name = @Profile,
@recipients = @RowRecipients,
@blind_copy_recipients = @RowBlind_copy_recipients,
@subject = @TemplateSubject,
@body = @RowBody,
@mailitem_id = @RowMailItemID output
What timezone is MS SQL Server?
Timezones for date columns in msdb.dbo.sysmail_mailitems
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Free tool to mount ISO images
Looping through an array of regular expressions in JavaScript
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Joining rows in T-SQL into a single delimited string
Here is the scenario. I have a query that returns one column of data. That column of data is an email address. The end product that I want is a single string (varchar) with the emails from each row to be delimited by commas. Once I have that, then I can pass the string to msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail.
Here is a simple way to show you what I have without all the tables, complex query, etc. In real life I would have a query that is on a table, etc. :)
create view vEmails as
select 'joe.tester1@mycompany.com' as EmailAddress union
select 'mary.someone@companyxyz.com' union
select 'happy.luck@aces.com'
Now we can do
select EmailAddress from vEmails
Here is the output that I currently have.
What I want is
joe.tester1@mycompany.com, mary.someone@companyxyz.com, happy.luck@aces.com
The criteria is I want an elegant solution that doesn't use cursors. Here is my solution.
Option 1:
Declare @EmailList as varchar(MAX)select
@EmailList = ISNULL(@EmailList + ', ', '')
+ EmailAddress
from vEmails
ORDER BY EmailAddress
select @EmailList
NOTE: The same can be done using COALESCE instead of ISNULL. The parameters are identical in this example.
The result is
happy.luck@aces.com, joe.tester1@mycompany.com, mary.someone@companyxyz.com
I love this solution because it is clever and does not use cursors. It also works with rows that have a NULL email address. If you decide you want to generalize the solution into an aggregate function you can NOT do this in T-SQL. You will need to do this in VS2005 or greater using the Database Project and write it in C# or VB.NET. This is an entirely different solution. The solution here is unfortunately not really generic.
One last important thing I figured out is that if you add an ORDER BY 1 (ORDER BY EmailAddress works fine) the @EmailList variable will only contain the value from the last row, not the accumulation of rows separated by commas. I am speculating, but I think the issue is that the select statement does not actually select any data, it actually assigned the value to a variable. So, using an alias (or whatever it is technically called) instead of the actual column name in an order by, this causes some weird behavior. The moral here is use the full name in the order by and you should be fine.
I got most of my solution from:
Option 2:
An even nicer way to do this because it can be included as a sub-query is to use the following:select STUFF(REPLACE((SELECT '#!' + LTRIM(RTRIM(EmailAddress)) AS 'data()' FROM vEmails
FOR XML PATH('')),' #!',', '), 1, 2, '') as EmailAddresses
This was suggested by this page.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sending Multiple Emails in SQL Server 2005
Some applications have batch jobs that send emails to users based on some criteria. There is no user interface to this, so a stored procedures that run as schedule jobs in SQL Server 2005 works well. An example of this is a reminder feature of your application. Maybe you want to remind all users to enter their time sheets on Friday afternoons. Below is an overview of how to write the sql for the lines in the stored procedure that can be used in the schedule job.
For more information on using a cursor see my blog entry at: http://justgeeks.blogspot.com/2008/08/using-t-sql-cursor-in-sql-server.html For more informaiton on configuring SQL Server Database Mail check out http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1100 or do a search on Google for something like: setting up database mail. There are lots of articles on the subject. Please note that this code will only work on SQL 2005 (and maybe newer version, but definitely not SQL 2000). There is a lot of options for sp_send_dbmail. I recommend checking out the parameters, etc if you need more information. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190307.aspx Here is the code to send email to a selection of people.
Declare @FName as nvarchar(50) Declare @LName as nvarchar(100) Declare @Email as nvarchar(255) Declare @MySubject as nvarchar(128) Declare @Message as nvarchar(MAX) Declare PersonCursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR Select fname, lname, email from Person where city = 'Phoenix' order by fname OPEN PersonCursor FETCH NEXT FROM PersonCursor INTO @FName, @LName, @Email WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- send the email Set @Message = 'This is a test email.' Set @MySubject = 'Hi ' + @FName + ' ' + @FName EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'MyProfile', @recipients = @Email, @subject = @MySubject, @body = @Message FETCH NEXT FROM PersonCursor INTO @FName, @LName, @Email END CLOSE PersonCursor DEALLOCATE PersonCursor
Using a T-SQL Cursor in SQL Server
Please use caution with cursors. They are very poor performers and often other options make more sense for performance reasons. However, there are times when it makes sense to use cursors. It can be difficult for programmers to think like DBAs sometimes because programming is typically a step-by-step logical progression of thought, but SQL databases should be thought of in terms of sets. Cursors are in a gray area that kind of abuses SQL a little bit because that is not what databases are optimized for.
There is my two cents. Assuming you need to use cursors here is how they work. Basically a cursor takes a query, and copies each column in that select statement into T-SQL variables. You can then do whatever you want with these variables. In our case we will send email. Once you are done with that row you get the next row.
In general you want to use the where clause to limit the rows that the cursor has to go through. For example, do NOT do something like (select * from Person) and then in the cursor use an if statement to ignore all records that don't meet your criteria. This is best done in a where clause.
Let's assume you have a query like the following:
Select fname, lname, email from Person where city = 'Phoenix' order by fname
Now you want to send an email to each of these people. Here is what you do:
- Declare variables for each of the columns you are select
Declare @FName as nvarchar(50)
Declare @LName as nvarchar(100)
Declare @Email as nvarchar(255) - Declare the Cursor Declare PersonCursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR
- Now your we use the select statement (the one you want to loop through) Select fname, lname, email from Person where city = 'Phoenix' order by fname
- Open the cursor and copy the columns into the T-SQL variables. Be sure to order the select statement columns and the columns below in the same order since the order determines how the values are mapped.
OPEN PersonCursor FETCH NEXT FROM PersonCursor INTO @FName, @LName, @Email - Now that we have the data for the first row, let's start the WHILE loop. Notice, that we get the first row BEFORE the WHILE loop is started so that the loop condition will be satisfied to start with. To control when the WHILE loop will exit we use the @@FETCH_STATUS built-in T-SQL variable. Notice that at the end of the WHILE loop we use exact same FETCH lines as we did to get the first row of data.
-- do row specific stuff here
print 'FName: ' + @FName print 'LName: ' + @LName print 'Email: ' + @Email
FETCH NEXT FROM PersonCursor INTO @FName, @LName, @Email
END - The most important lines are the next two lines. These are the lines that free the resources. If you don't do this you have what they call a memory leak. It can eat up valuable server memory and possibly eventually take down your server if you don't clean up after using resources.
CLOSE PersonCursor
Declare @FName as nvarchar(50)
Declare @LName as nvarchar(100)
Declare @Email as nvarchar(255)
Select fname, lname, email from Person where city = 'Phoenix' order by fname
OPEN PersonCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM PersonCursor INTO @FName, @LName, @Email
-- do row specific stuff here
print 'FName: ' + @FName print 'LName: ' + @LName print 'Email: ' + @Email
FETCH NEXT FROM PersonCursor INTO @FName, @LName, @Email
CLOSE PersonCursor
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
How to Completely Remove PocketMac for Windows Mobile
Manually Uninstalling Missing Sync for Windows Mobile
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Basics of Subclipse when starting a new project
Subclipse is a plugin for Eclipse that adds a GUI in Eclipse to perform the basic functions of Subversion (like CVS or Visual SourceSafe (VSS)). Basically if you want to use Subversion while in Eclipse, Subeclipse is the tool for you.
This entry assumes that you have a Subversion repository already setup. It does NOT assume your project is in Subversion though. It does assume you already have a project in Eclipse though. In my examples, the name of my Eclipse project is called MyApp. Below are some basic things you should know where to find, but does not really get into Subversion features and how to use them. This entry assumes you know what Merge, Update, Commit, etc are used for, and how to use the other Subversion version control concepts. By no means is this a comprehensive look at all the features. It is really a view of things I use often or can't remember when I do them when I get a new project or start a new project. :)
Adding your project to Subversion.
Make sure your project is actually open (not closed), otherwise the Share Project... menu item will be disabled.
While in Eclipse, Go to the Package Explorer and right-click on MyApp (or whatever your project is called). Go to Team | Share Project...
When prompted select SVN as the repository type.
When prompted select your existing repository location, or create a new one if you don't have one already.
When prompted, use a custom path and append /MyApp/trunk to the path instead of just the default of /MyApp
Enter a comment like Initial import if it is not already specified.
When prompted select the files you want to add to source control. This should exclude any files that are specific to other version control systems such as VSS or CVS.
I would also highly recommend creating three remote folders (branches, tags, and trunk) under the project you just created in SVN. To do this do the following:
Go to the SVN Repository View (you can add it by going to the Window | Show View | SVN Repository menu item if it is not already visible.
Right-click on MyApp project in the SVN Repository View and choose New | new remote folder.
Enter branches
Then do the same for the other one tags
When you are done you will have a hierarchy like the following or something similar if you did not put yoru project at the root of the repository.
- svn://mySubversionServer/MyRepository/MyApp ---- branch ---- tags ---- trunk
Using Subversion operations on a file
Subclipse does a very nice job of integrating Subversion into the Eclipse IDE. To perform operations of a file simply do the following.
In the Package Explorer right click on the file you want to work with.
Go to Team and then choose the operation you want to use. This includes things like Merge, Commit, Show History, get the latest using Update, and a few other features as well.
Useful Perspectives
Subclipse includes some useful perspectives that may not be visible to start with. You can find them by going to Window menu Open Perspective Other...
This will show a window with a list of perspectives.
Click the SVN Repository Exploring and click OK. It is good to see all the projects in the repository or have direct access to the Repository.
Do the same for Team Synchronizing. Team Synchronization has the Synchronize view in it.
If you don't see them, click the Show all button in the Open Perspective window. There are also two other menu items that are of use when you right-click a file. They are the Compare With and Replace With menu items.
Adding a project from Subversion
This handy if you have a new machine, re-installed Eclipse, or just adding a project to Eclipse workspace that someone else put in Subversion and you need to work on now. To do this, do the folowing.
File menu New Other SVN folder Checkout Projects from SVN.
Walk through the wizard until it is finished.
If you want more information on Subversion operations, and installing subclipse see the link below.
Adding Regular Expressions (Regex) to SQL Server 2005
- RegexMatch - returns 1 if pattern can be found in input, else 0
- RegexReplace - replaces all matches in input with a specified string
- RegexSelectOne - returns the first, second, third, etc match that can be found in the input
- RegexSelectAll - returns all matches delimited by separator that can be found in the input
- select dbo.RegexMatch( N'123-45-6749', N'^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4} Returns 1 in this case since the phone number pattern is matched
- select dbo.RegExReplace('Remove1All3Letters7','[a-zA-Z]','') Returns 137 since all alpha characters where replaced with no character
- select dbo.RegexSelectOne('123-45-6749xxx222-33-4444', '\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}', 0) Returns 123-45-6789 since first match was specifed. If last parameter was 1 then the second match (222-33-4444) would be returned.
- select dbo.RegexSelectAll('123-45-6749xxx222-33-4444', '\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}', '|') Returns 123-45-6749|222-33-4444
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Text;
public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
public static readonly RegexOptions Options = RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Multiline;
public static SqlBoolean RegexMatch(SqlChars input, SqlString pattern)
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern.Value, Options);
return regex.IsMatch(new string(input.Value));
public static SqlString RegexReplace(SqlString expression, SqlString pattern, SqlString replace)
if (expression.IsNull || pattern.IsNull || replace.IsNull)
return SqlString.Null;
Regex r = new Regex(pattern.ToString());
return new SqlString(r.Replace(expression.ToString(), replace.ToString()));
// returns the matching string. Results are separated by 3rd parameter
public static SqlString RegexSelectAll(SqlChars input, SqlString pattern, SqlString matchDelimiter)
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern.Value, Options);
Match results = regex.Match(new string(input.Value));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (results.Success)
results = results.NextMatch();
// separate the results with newline|newline
if (results.Success)
return new SqlString(sb.ToString());
// returns the matching string
// matchIndex is the zero-based index of the results. 0 for the 1st match, 1, for 2nd match, etc
public static SqlString RegexSelectOne(SqlChars input, SqlString pattern, SqlInt32 matchIndex)
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern.Value, Options);
Match results = regex.Match(new string(input.Value));
string resultStr = "";
int index = 0;
while (results.Success)
if (index == matchIndex)
resultStr = results.Value.ToString();
results = results.NextMatch();
return new SqlString(resultStr);
What I used to get started. http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/jeffs/archive/2007/04/27/SQL-2005-Regular-Expression-Replace.aspx How to optimize regex calls: http://blogs.msdn.com/sqlclr/archive/2005/06/29/regex.aspx More Information: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163473.aspx I found this after writing this, but it explains other details I did not. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/string/SqlRegEx.aspx?display=PrintAll
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Getting Started with Subversion Command Line
Automatically backup and tag a release using Subversion
Thursday, July 31, 2008
MyEclipse tabs (views)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Automatically label releases to production using Visual Source Safe
When I move a project from my computer to the production server I like to create a label in Visual Source Safe (VSS) that notes the date and time and that something was deployed. This allows me and others to always know what is in production and how long it has been in production. It also makes it easy to do a bug fix. It is nice to have this at the click of a batch file. Otherwise, I am just to lazy most of the time to wait for VSS (it is on a slow connection so it takes a long time to load or do anything), remember to check in my code, find the project I am working on, then create a label, and type in the date and time and try to remember the format of my label so that is the same. Here is the code I put in a batch file (just create a text file and change the extension to .bat) using my favorite text editor. For more information on how the NOW variable is populated and limitation on it, see my other entry at: http://justgeeks.blogspot.com/2008/07/getting-formatted-date-into-variable-in.html. If you are not using US English data format you will definitely need to change the line that sets NOW to work with your locale. Also, you will need to adjust the paths in this script to match your environment.
@echo off set NOW=%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%--%time:~0,2%.%time:~3,2% echo Please make sure all changes are checked in pause set SSDIR=\\myVssServer\someDirWhereIniFileIs"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual SourceSafe\ss" Label $/MyVssProjectPath -LDEPLOYED-%NOW% -C- echo A label has been created in VSS called: DEPLOYED-%NOW%
Save output of DOS command to variable
Getting formatted date into variable in batch file
Sunday, July 27, 2008
External Hard Drive setttings
Friday, July 25, 2008
A brief overview of Testing
- Living documentation of the expected behavior of the system
- To build confidence that software works and still works after making a change
- Reduce cost by finding bugs early
- A method to document requirements and verify solution meets the requirements
- Quality assurance including behavior, performance, etc
- When you make a change, how do you currently determine if the change does what it is supposed to?
- ... that it didn't break something else?
- ... where do you document that this is a new requirement?
- ... how much time will the next programmer have to spend to be able to verify that your requirement still works after his or her new change?
- Unit Testing - tests of methods or classes, but not across them.
- Regression Testing - typically uses unit tests to verify functionality still works as expected
- System Testing - testing across classes and methods. This is general higher level and tests more of how the system behaves vs the requrements rather than implementation.
- Integration Testing - tests across classes and methods; it stri
- Acceptance Testing - done by the end user to give their stamp of approval
- Performance Testing - load testing essentially
- Usability Testing - is the user interface easy to use and understand
- Security Testing -can it be hacked, is confidential data encrypted, etc
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Adding Loading animation to all AJAX calls
// Register our event listener that is called when an AJAX request is made.
function BeginRequest(sender, args) {
var srcElement = args.get_postBackElement();
// Adds a loading animated gif to the right of
// the element that started an element
// (Except if the element is a text input,
// then the image is inside the text input
// as a background image)
function addLoadingAnimation(srcElement)
// if element is a textfield, then show the loading image in the textfield itself.
if (srcElement.tagName == "INPUT" && srcElement.type == "text")
srcElement.style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/loading.gif)';
srcElement.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
srcElement.style.backgroundPosition = "right";
// else the element looks better with the loading image to the right of the element
// only add the animation if it isn't there already
// i.e. user click link twice in a row
if (srcElement.nextSibling == null
|| (
&& srcElement.nextSibling.innerHTML.indexOf("otherLoadingImage") == -1)
var anim = document.createElement("span");
anim.innerHTML = '<IMG ID="otherLoadingImage" BORDER="0" SRC="images/loading.gif">';
srcElement.parentNode.insertBefore(anim, srcElement.nextSibling);