Monday, July 21, 2008

Understand AJAX Client Side Events

I found this example in the AJAX.NET documentation, and it is very helpful for understanding how javascript events work and when they fire. To figure see the events firing on your own AJAX enabled page do the following.
  1. Create a new javascript file in your Visual Studio Web Site.
  2. Copy the javascript code below into a .js file and call it what ever you like. In this example I'll call it AjaxEvents.js.
  3. Add the following line in blue to your script manager that already exists on your page <asp:scriptmanager id="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold;"> <scripts><asp:scriptreference path="AjaxEvents.js">/asp:scriptreference></scripts> </asp:scriptmanager>
  4. Add the following HTML somewhere on your page. It will be used to append debug text as the events fire. <span id="ClientEvents"></span></span>
Now you can do what ever you usually do to make your AJAX code execute, but this time you will see the JavaScript events that are firing. You can now add cool things to the client side when these events occur. Some ideas are display animations when AJAX is running, progress messages, disabling or enabling page elements. The possibilities are great. Obviously, you will want to remove the debugging code and probably the span tag since all this is just to show you how the events fire and help you understand serves as a starting point where you can put your code that does the more interesting stuff.
// Hook up Application event handlers.
var app = Sys.Application;

// Application event handlers for component developers.
function ApplicationInit(sender) {
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
if (!prm.get_isInAsyncPostBack())
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "APP:: Application init. <br/>";
function ApplicationLoad(sender, args) {
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "APP:: Application load. ";
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "(isPartialLoad = " + args.get_isPartialLoad() + ")<br/>";
function ApplicationUnload(sender) {
alert('APP:: Application unload.');
function ApplicationDisposing(sender) {
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "APP:: Application disposing. <br/>";

// Application event handlers for page developers.
function pageLoad() {
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "PAGE:: Load.<br/>";

function pageUnload() {
alert('Page:: Page unload.');

// PageRequestManager event handlers.
function InitializeRequest(sender, args) {
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "<hr/>";
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "PRM:: Initializing async request.<br/>";
function BeginRequest(sender, args) {
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "PRM:: Begin processing async request.<br/>";
function PageLoading(sender, args) {
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "PRM:: Loading results of async request.<br/>";
var updatedPanels = printArray("PanelsUpdating", args.get_panelsUpdating());
var deletedPanels = printArray("PanelsDeleting", args.get_panelsDeleting());

var message = "-->" + updatedPanels + "<br/>-->" + deletedPanels + "<br/>";

document.getElementById("ClientEvents").innerHTML += message;
function PageLoaded(sender, args) {
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "PRM:: Finished loading results of async request.<br/>";
var updatedPanels = printArray("PanelsUpdated", args.get_panelsUpdated());
var createdPanels = printArray("PaneslCreated", args.get_panelsCreated());

var message = "-->" + updatedPanels + "<br/>-->" + createdPanels + "<br/>";
document.getElementById("ClientEvents").innerHTML += message;
function EndRequest(sender, args) {
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML += "PRM:: End of async request.<br/>";

// Helper functions.
function Clear()
$get('ClientEvents').innerHTML = "";
function printArray(name, arr)
 var panels = name + '=' + arr.length;
 if(arr.length > 0)
     panels += "(";
     for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
         panels += arr[i].id + ',';
     panels = panels.substring(0, panels.length - 1);
     panels += ")";
 return panels;

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